'Green Feeders'
'The Lioness Alien Base"
'Martian Towers'
Short description: We talk of a series of frames and sketches that were produced by Esthe Meffille back in the 80s for the TV show 'Aliens, Monsters and Ugly People' that unfortunately never aired. And the reason behind such decision taken by the broadcaster's board of directors is allegedly linked to the fact that the artist wanted all of these frames and sketches to be out-of-focus. Why? The artist suggested that since whenever people assume they have seen an alien or UFO no proper image can undoubtedly identify the object or living thing, it is then almost compulsory to provide people with a show about aliens where the audience can barely see the definition of the images shown. It is a bit of a 'taste your own poison' approach. The artist once said, when interviewed about the show being dropped out, "People assume that aliens, supposedly and per people's general perception, to be more technologically advanced and intelligent, and to visit the Earth now and then to play freaking peekaboo with our cameras. I think it's fair to pay homage to this incapacity of ours to see things properly when it's convenient the other way 'round".
Price: £21K
Availability: Sold.